Love In Action

Without sacrifice, ones life cannot move forward. In all of our lives, there was someone who sacrificed for us to just be alive, move ahead or even learn or grow in one or many particular areas. It could have been the giving of time, a conversation, tears, money, resources, you fill in the blank. It is for those people that we dedicate this foundation. I personally would like to dedicate this foundation to my mom. She taught me the value of having a hard work ethic as a single mother. She defined true sacrifice and perseverance and for that I am forever grateful. I would also like to dedicate this foundation to both of my grandfathers who served, fought and one badly wounded in World War 2. Without their sacrifice, where would we be? Lastly, I dedicate this foundation to one of my best friends who lost her husband to lung cancer at age 45 leaving her with the raising of 3 small children of whom 2 had severe special needs. Her example of fighting to move forward will forever be my inspiration.